What you have to offer matters. What you have to say is powerful. You have no choice about the gifts that were place within you, but you do have a choice, right now, about how you are going to use, talk and make money from them (and BTW you’re meant to!!). This is the magical place where your whole soul lights up doing “that thing”. Time ceases to exist in superflow. Creativity flows. Soul Clients Flow. Cash Flows. You’re in your Power. Taking the stage. Igniting your visibility. Claiming that legacy and getting paid. It took me a very long time to find my voice, and now that I have it I’m not going to stay silent.

A spiritual Teacher, modern Irish mystic

hey there!

 I'm Emma

And your biggest advocate for helping you to create a wildly abundant life using your unique Spiritual gifts to become known globally. 

I originally wanted to be an opera singer, then an artist, then held down a job in fashion before quitting to figure out who the hell I was and what I wanted. My period of self-discovery involved running a pet spa for dogs in London (!)

I can’t do surface chat.
Small talk.
Faking it.
Go deep or not at all.

When I was 21, I lived in Rome for a year with three Italians in a one-room apartment (really!) Evening entertainment involved 5 Euro liter bottles of table wine and pizza. I went home fluent, and fatter.

Born and raised in Dublin to two freewheeling journalists, pretty much everything I do in my business involves creating that same sense of cosy intimacy that I'd find down the pub at home. (Christmases in Ireland are THE BEST.)

I'm Irish.

I’ve met Claudia Schiffer and partied with Owen Wilson. I sat in the back of a taxi with Owen on the way to watch an American football game in Rome. (He told me he liked my bangs!) I met Claudia in my days as a fashion stylist assistant... and she offered me a bottle of Evian in her house. 

No. 1

I met my husband at a time when I was sleeping on a mattress in a friend’s basement. 
That period of self-discovery left me broke and staying with my best friend Jonathan. One depressing weekday afternoon, he came home and told me, “Emma, you need to go on a date.” I signed up for match.com and met my now-husband the same week.

I met my husband at a time when I was sleeping on a mattress in a friend’s basement. That period of self-discovery left me broke and staying with my best friend Jonathan. One depressing weekday afternoon, he came home and told me, “Emma, you need to go on a date.” I signed up for match.com and met my now-husband the same week.

No. 2

I live just outside Seattle in a house I saw in a vision. We bought our current house in November 2019 - but I’d seen it in a vision during a guided meditation 3 years earlier. It’s a crazy magical alpine wonderland, where I can see mountains from my desk and great eagles fly by the window.

No. 3

I’ve given birth to two babies in the space of 18 months. My first kid was nine months old when we got pregnant with my second. Changing shitty diapers with morning sickness is a hell I hope to never experience again. 

No. 4

Coffee is a science in our home. I grind the beans. We do it in an electric chemex pour over brewer. I drink black, natural washed coffee. My favourite are Ethopian blends. I’m a coffee nerd. 

No. 5

Taking risks and refusing to settle for anything less than the full expression of my soul was something that always been in me. It’s taken us from a dingy moldy flat in London to three years later landing us our dream family home with dream jobs in the pacific Northwest with a view of the ocean and mountains, and a creek on our property. Was it agonisingly difficult at times? Hell yes. Worth it? Absolutely. 

No. 5

other things to know

fun facts

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“binge-watch” you like Netflix, and clients and customers desperate to buy from you. 

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