It’s Time To Acknowledge Your Magic…

We are entering an entirely new age for women who are healers, psychics, channels, mediums…an intersection where those who are ready to become a bridge between heaven and earth are going to become the most sought after in their field. 

I hid from talking about my spiritual and psychic gifts because I never saw myself in what was held up as the image of a “spiritual person”. 

• I’m a lazy meditator 
• I listen to Prince when I want to access different realms. 
• I drink champagne 
• I dance on tables 
• I drop f-bombs
• I integrate dance parties as a sacred embodiment practice
• I also love luxury and designer clothes… and shoes. …The best of the best. My standards are high in every area of my life for a reason. 


I can open your channels in a single session, speak with your guides, and download offers aligned to your soul’s purpose from your energetic field that will sell like fire. And it costs a minimum of $2k to access this magic for a single session of my magic.

Your soul is waiting on you to finally stop hiding the fact that you’re a powerful spiritual mentor with supreme gifts.

We are the new age of mystics, activators, channels, healers, psychics…. 
We don’t adhere to the rules
To how it should look 
Or be 
Or how we should behave. 
Our calling is clear – rise up into our powers. 
Let them really see you 
Hear you 
Feel your energy 
You’re the bridge Between heaven on earth 
It’s magic in your presence ✨ 

That’s why I’m enrolling the most powerful but still in that waiting room of their spiritual gifts women into Amplified: The Hybrid Mastermind for 6 months. 

This is where you will calibrate to this huge calling you feel you have on your life. To be of service to *millions* of people…. And to open your wealth portal to receive million$. 

You want expansion
You want expression
You want to burn that last F you have to give about what “they” will think
and let your wild and free witchy woman, run carefree all over the internet.

It’s time to acknowledge your magic, so you can start giving your magic to us.

I needed to gather myself this evening ⁣⁣

Under the coral and blue sky’s ⁣⁣

That to me, dance with angels. ⁣⁣

Sitting under trees that coo with collar doves and sway in the evening breeze as if they were dancing, together ⁣⁣in harmony.

⁣⁣It takes a journey sometimes for me to activate the deeper knowings ⁣⁣

And my understanding of our Holy experience


⁣⁣I feel deeply compelled to always find ways to come home to myself,

⁣⁣And share the underlying ⁣⁣Sacred principles of service and compensation. ⁣⁣

I’ve had to lose myself, ⁣⁣

And money ⁣⁣again and again,

before ⁣⁣I woke up ⁣one day

⁣⁣In the knowing ⁣⁣

That I am the lighthouse ⁣⁣and the Light.

⁣⁣A subtlety easy to miss,

⁣⁣That forever kept me seeking ⁣⁣

And spending to placate and soothe ⁣⁣

The wound ⁣of not enough.

⁣⁣So how does this relate to the Holy principals ⁣⁣of service and compensation?

⁣⁣Being relentless in the pursuit⁣⁣

Of excavating the jewels that lie within. ⁣⁣

Deeper ⁣⁣

And deeper. ⁣⁣

There is nothing easy about this. ⁣⁣

There is flow, in between the spaces of suffering

⁣⁣When you bring the pain to the surface

⁣⁣and then, another karmic layer falls away ⁣⁣

Followed by the rebirth ⁣⁣

And aligned creations that bound forth.

⁣⁣All of this lies within you.

⁣⁣The open expanse ⁣⁣

Of possibility. ⁣

⁣The work of devotion to know thy self ⁣⁣Is the pathway to soothing the intensity ⁣⁣of the longing. ⁣⁣

That cannot be satiated by the next mentor ⁣⁣

Promising the promised land of your desires ⁣⁣

In exchange for your self-betrayal ⁣⁣And self-Sabotage ⁣⁣

As if the wisdom you are seeking, to bring YOU to the next layer of yourself ⁣⁣

Lies within ⁣⁣

Them. ⁣⁣

You have the Light within you already ⁣⁣

And the perfect strategy

⁣⁣To serve the calling of your soul ⁣⁣

My role?

⁣⁣To hold up the mirror. ⁣⁣

Love Emma xo

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